Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rogue Magician Promo Video

Check out the promotional video for Rogue Magician. I think you will agree that it is bad ass.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back and ready for more...

As of now my hiatus is at an end.

Over the last two months I have been working on two projects. Of course, I have been working on Book 2 of the Magician Rebellion series. As of this writing I am about 40% done with the first draft and am ahead of schedule for the next release.

The second project is a promotional video for Rogue Magician that should be on Youtube in the coming weeks. This video will include a teaser for the book and features artwork and a song written for Rogue Magician.

I have also decided to make a few changes to the blog. I am going to do reviews less. As an author I know how critical reviews are especially for the indies out there. So I tend to only want to review books that have left a favorable impression on me. That being said I will give recomendations from time to time if I read something particularly enjoyable.

Instead I plan to focus more on delivering original content. Most of which will be short or in pieces as my main focus is completing Book 2. Some of these stories will feature characters from Rogue Magician and some may be stand alones completely unrelated to the series.

 Here is where things get interesting- I have so much backstory for most of the characters that did not get to come out in the book. If there is a character of particular interest to you let me know and I will write a short story revealing some of the backstory. It's kind of like writing fanfiction, but having the author do it for you instead.

I will also provide rants or a look behind the curtain as the mood suits me or I think something particularly interesting is happening.