Saturday, May 5, 2012

And the Reviews Are Not In

Recently, I've been trying to find someplace that does indie fantasy reviews with no luck. Most sites that do specialize in fantasy reviews either flat out refuse to do indie reviews or may review indies, but have no activity on their site within the last year or so.

The main reasons that I have heard from the sites that don't cover indie books is, because they don't want to be deluged with mounds of poorly written garbage in the hopes of finding a gem, which is understandable if somewhat short sighted on their part as more authors (including some who have been established for years) choose to go indie every day, but that is another rant for another day.

So to all my fantasy brethren- authors and readers alike- where do you go to get/read reviews on fantasy novels by indie authors, or if you are like me and can't even find any reviewers for indies what factors do you take into consideration when plunking down your hard earned coin on an indie?

Also, if you are a fellow fantasy author feel free to plug your book in the comments to this post.

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